Is Step It Up a religious camp? Is there a camp Rabbi? Is davening mandatory? Is there learning? Are there religious staff? Will my religious needs be met?
Over 85% of our campers at Step It Up are modern Orthodox Jewish boys grades 4-12 from approximately 30 Jewish Day Schools around the U.S.Jewish Life at Step It Up is run by Rabbi Mishael Keller who is returning for his second summer along with the rest of our religious staff which include Yeshiva University basketball players and older Jewish day school kids, including 15 former campers who serve as counselors. Rabbi Mishael Keller is inspirational, relatable, devoted and fun.
In all, Step It Up is all about the growth of our campers, not just in basketball or as people, but as Jews as well.
If you would like your camper to attend 3 minyanim a day, we will ensure they’re at every minyan. If you just want them at Shachrit but not Mincha/Maariv, we can make sure of that too.
If they only need to attend shul on Shabbat then that’s what he’ll do. Rabbi Keller has a list of each camper’s needs and where they are religiously and makes sure that they are adhering to his parent’s wishes.
Not only are the campers present at minyanim, but they’re constantly encouraged to participate and taught to lead minyanim and lain. We aim to develop leaders not only on the basketball court but religious leaders as well. We inspire and teach our campers to take ownership of davening. The spiritual growth is evident and we’ve had great feedback from campers and parents alike.