
In addition to our intensive training program, we take the time to rejuvenate ourselves and embark on several one-day excursions. These trips include Six Flags Amusement Park, Hurricane Harbour, beach field trips, major league baseball games and more....

Feel free to e-mail your camper anytime at with your camper’s name in the Subject Line. Campers will have the opportunity to respond by writing letters or calling (phones are given out on field trip days).  You will also have the emails...

Cellphones and laptops are not allowed in camp. We will collect all cell phones, laptops, Ipads, and all wireless enabled devices during check-in and return them on field trip days which take place every 2 weeks. We want our young...

For your camper's safety, we do not recommend that you send your son to camp with a wallet full of money. But, we do have Step It Up Bucks. We recommend $50-$100 per week in total. Step It Up Bucks can...

Over the last 8 years, we've hosted campers from 10 countries and 20 states. While most of our campers come from the US and Israel we have also been lucky enough to host campers from...

All of the food served at Step It Up is Glatt Kosher. Hashgacha is under the supervision of the OU. We have washing stations at every meal and kids are able to bench after meals. Chalav Yisrael is available upon...

Step It Up provides a truly unforgettable Shabbat experience. Kabbalat Shabbat is followed by a traditional Friday night meal, followed by zmirot, divre Torah and benching. Shabbat morning services are led by Rabbi Danieli as well as the rest of our religious staff and campers. Following Shabbat...

Learning groups are led by Rabbi Keller several times a week. We have boys who bring their Sfarim and learn daily and some who learn a few times a week....

Rabbi Keller runs a meaningful Tisha B’Av program led with the reading of Eicha. We also screen educational movies/documentaries and share stories during the day followed by a break fast meal. For Shiva Asar B’Tamuz, we wake the campers up early and have...